Thursday, June 2, 2011

chelsea staub short hair back view

chelsea staub short hair back view. Chelsea Staub#39;s updo with
  • Chelsea Staub#39;s updo with

  • E.Lizardo
    Mar 24, 07:32 AM

    Seems a bit hypocritical of Buddhist Steve Jobs to be embracing peace on one hand while providing support for the brutal "shock and awe" merchants on the other.

    Steve doesn't own the company,the stock holders do.

    Those"shock and awe merchants"are people who volunteered to risk their lives to defend their country.

    chelsea staub short hair back view. With short glam celebrity with
  • With short glam celebrity with

  • Multimedia
    Nov 2, 11:24 AM
    One word: Switchers

    chelsea staub short hair back view. Related Content: chelsea kane
  • Related Content: chelsea kane

  • DrJohnnyN
    Mar 7, 05:28 PM

    Why wait outdoors (Knox) when you can wait indoors (Northpark)?

    chelsea staub short hair back view. Chelsea+staub+dancing+with
  • Chelsea+staub+dancing+with

  • ghostlyorb
    Apr 5, 07:34 PM


    chelsea staub short hair back view. katie holmes bob ack view.
  • katie holmes bob ack view.

  • BornAgainMac
    Sep 27, 09:07 AM
    I wonder if Rosetta was handicapped during the transition period so people would still purchase the remaining exciting PowerPC products.

    chelsea staub short hair back view. Chelsea Staub Long, Curly
  • Chelsea Staub Long, Curly

  • 0815
    Apr 26, 12:02 PM
    Yea! And limit their new OS to about 20% of their users.

    Not that I can back it up by any numbers, but I would assume that more than 20% of the Macs out there that can run Lion have a USB port ....

    EDIT: well, I just saw that the original post was limiting to Thunderbold ... ok, we are not there yet with 100% thunderbolt

    "how" doesnt really bother me, only "when"

    very well said ... maybe they can make everyone happy by offering the choice between:
    - download (MAS or whatever other means)
    - USB stick
    - DVD

    I just think now is the time to think about the future and offer options according to that (along with being the DVD an optional accessory on new Macs). DVDs are just no longer needed for the masses.

    so everyone can pick his/her favorite based on their needs and their future plans (I for sure will skip the DVD)


    chelsea staub short hair back view. chelsea kane hair back view
  • chelsea kane hair back view

  • dhdave
    May 24, 11:15 PM
    I am a child of the eighties, well really a teenager, but anyway, my freshman year of college (1987) all I wanted was a Macintosh Plus. It was THE computer to have. For me. Everyone else was drooling over 8088's but I was drooling over the Mac. That's what I wanted. I never did get it, (until last year that is) but the seed was planted.

    I went on to own 286, 386, 486 , pentium, k62, and pentium III machines. I loved that I could build a machine myself and decide what went into it. I've built every machine I have used since 1998 (before that I just bought 'em). Despite the freedom I've grown tired of it. There is nothing worse than spending 600-1000 on a new setup only to have something not work with something else. Be it video drivers, or a nic. etc. I began looking and drooling over macs again when the iMac came out. Amelio's beige boxes did absolutely nothing for me. But when Steve came back, WOAH!

    I was thrilled when windows xp came out. I beta tested windows Me and watched it go from super stable to a high overhead crash-prone mess. Beta testing XP I thought that MS had finally gotten it right. But I quickly realized they hadn't. The windows registry is the weakest link on my system. It becomes increasingly unstable over time (just like windows 9x) and eventually brings the whole system down. To fix it, I've got to reformat and start over. I have learned to partition my drive so everything that I wouldn't want to lose is in it's own partition away from the OS. With OS X, that practice is a thing of the past.

    I have also tried linux and liked it, though I found the learning curve very daunting. (the feeling of accomplishment when all was up and running was great, though--anyone remember trying to get your soundblaster to work?? Make?, bash?....whew) When I first read about OS X it got my attention. I watched the quicktime videos of the dock and minimizing a window etc. Then I used it. Finally somebody really had gotten it right. And not for the eye candy. You can be incredibly productive with just the GUI or you can fully exploit the command line. It's as powerful as you wish it to be.

    Because I have gone back to school to become a programmer, I will keep my pc around for the occasional time when I can't get virtual pc to run a program on my Mac or when running a program is just too slow. But that's the only reason. I gladly left the windows world and I haven't looked back. I'm glad to finally be where I should have been all those years ago.


    chelsea staub short hair back view. Chelsea Staub @ 2010 Teen
  • Chelsea Staub @ 2010 Teen

  • shenfrey
    May 5, 04:50 PM
    I think it's to hide how good OS X is. ;)

    To be honest, this is a smart move from Microsoft. If there is one thing I cannot stand about Apple, it is the silly prices they charge. The Apple Tax is stupid.

    I suppose on the bright side, at least we get what we pay for most of the time.


    chelsea staub short hair back view. dancing with the stars chelsea
  • dancing with the stars chelsea

  • mac*jedi*g
    Mar 23, 07:42 PM
    The title of this article should be:

    Mac goes to WAR:mad:

    chelsea staub short hair back view. Posted in: chelsea staub
  • Posted in: chelsea staub

  • Analog Kid
    Nov 22, 03:30 AM
    Wouldn't using the "extra" electricity to power fans to decrease heat lead to less "extra" electricity???? :rolleyes: I hope they really think this through - and I'm sure they will. Of course powering fans isn't the only use for electricity.

    No, it would lead to a greater heat differential between CPU (max Tj stays constant) and the heat sink (getting colder with forced air flow) which would lead to more electricity generated. Under constant CPU load (thus a reduced die temperature because of cooling) the differential would stay the same and the electricity generated would stay the same.


    chelsea staub short hair back view. Chelsea Staub Super Thin At
  • Chelsea Staub Super Thin At

  • cube
    Apr 23, 10:28 AM
    OpenCL was designed so software could use the processing power of the graphics card/chip to aid the CPU to perform calculations in a way that is not dependent on sending the results to video. In gaming, however, the CPU is enough to run the back-end of the game and the GPU is mainly used to display the image rather than help the CPU in processing the game's engine. Hence OpenCL should not make that much different (perhaps a few FPS but not so much as to make the 3000 better than the 320).

    Is OpenCL akin to NVIDIA's PhysX as well as their CUDA? If so then perhaps it can help with the physics engines in some high end games (GTA IV etc comes to mind) I guess?

    The 320M has OpenCL. CUDA is assembler-like, while OpenCL is C-like. They are general purpose compute engines. It's not just about games.

    Intel does not have real OpenCL yet.

    chelsea staub short hair back view. Chelsea Staub at Planet
  • Chelsea Staub at Planet

  • carlgo
    Mar 27, 10:35 AM
    "If I moved just this far over I bet I could get reception...."


    chelsea staub short hair back view. Pixie+haircut+ack+view
  • Pixie+haircut+ack+view

  • Chaszmyr
    Sep 6, 12:37 PM
    Deffinately not something we will see in OSX... you notice the icons and windows are flying in from off the screen of that desktop? I dont know what kind of monitors you guys have but my monitor cant do that :-P

    chelsea staub short hair back view. Rihanna#39;s short high sculpted
  • Rihanna#39;s short high sculpted

  • bartelby
    Nov 14, 08:47 AM
    "Mummy, why is that man watching those naked people doing things to each other." :p

    It will happen.

    I thought iGary had trouble getting on flights!


    chelsea staub short hair back view. katie holmes bob ack view.
  • katie holmes bob ack view.

  • maynorsol
    Mar 13, 11:33 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Mine threw a bucket of cold water on me this morning. I'll have to make an appt. at the Genius Bar.

    chelsea staub short hair back view. Chelsea Staub Twitter iPad
  • Chelsea Staub Twitter iPad

  • Pismo
    Apr 2, 04:26 PM
    I like Pages. I haven't had any problems with it. I haven't used all of the features though. I mostly use it for printing envelopes which works great. It will only get better and I'm sure Apple will add more features like spread sheets and maybe a GUI front-end for SQL.


    chelsea staub short hair back view. ack view rihanna hairstyles
  • ack view rihanna hairstyles

  • firestarter
    Apr 5, 05:53 PM
    No, it doesn't. The line-in port does not supply power for a microphone.

    Which line in port? Are you talking about the (now removed) line-in on the 30 pin connector (not on iPhone 4) or are you talking about the second ring on the TRRS headphone/mic connector?

    chelsea staub short hair back view. Chelsea Staub amp; Nicole
  • Chelsea Staub amp; Nicole

  • MacProGuy
    Sep 19, 10:19 PM
    You can't boot XP from CD on a Mac. You can't you can't you can't. The Mac boots using EFI, which XP doesn't support.

    You need to use Boot Camp to install it, as legacy BIOS emulation has to be loaded specifically for XP.

    PLEASE... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.... don't talk if you don't know what you are saying. I'm not perfect... but I can absolutely, ABSOLUTELY guarantee ... GUARANTEE YOU... that you CAN indeed boot XP from the new Macs WITHOUT BOOTCAMP WHATSOEVER.

    That is how I have my iMac (24") setup...

    The FIRST thing I did when I took her out of the box was insert the WINXP SP2 CD... (nothing slipstreamed)... and hold down the "c" key...

    Voila! Booting into XP Setup... COMPLETELY FORMATTED THE ENTIRE 500GB DRIVE with XP... and she runs great.

    I then attached an EXTERNAL FW800 RAID 0 Setup (1TB now)... and boot OS X off that external slice...

    So... JUST SO YOU KNOW! Please try not to confuse the rest of the class Billy, uhmKay? ;)

    chelsea staub short hair back view. chelsea kane haircut back view
  • chelsea kane haircut back view

  • Westacular
    Mar 23, 05:34 PM
    Why don't they just use existing standards? RTSP, H.264/MPEG4 video and bonjour. There. No licensing required.

    But no.

    Apple pulls the "standards compliant" flag out of their asses only when it suits them. Boo.

    Umm. You almost did just describe AirPlay. It *is* based on Bonjour and H.264/MPEG4 video.

    For control and transport they didn't go with RTSP+RTP -- which has limitations around firewalls, proxies, CDNs, and more importantly, encryption/DRM -- and instead used HTTP Live Streaming (, which Apple openly submitted to the IETF a couple years ago, and has been undergoing standardization since.

    And that's most of what there is to it. The only novel stuff is in the way Bonjour is used for this, and that was easily reverse engineered, which is how you now have software like AirPlayer (for OS X) and AirViewer (for iOS) which act as Apple TV-like AirPlay displays.

    ... But only for DRM-free videos. Anything that's wrapped in Fairplay (iTunes' DRM) can, as always, only be played back by official Apple-sanctioned software/devices.

    May 4, 09:01 AM
    I'd much prefer it on DVD but a Flash Drive would be pretty neat. I'm hoping we'll get a new version of iWork to go with Lion so I can justify buying the Mac Pack.

    Unlike a lot of people here, I use my DVD drive quite a bit. I burn mix CD's for my car and I prefer to buy retail software instead of downloads when possible.

    If they were to remove it though across some of their lines, I'd hope Apple would use the extra space in the 13" for an AMD graphics card rather than an extra hard drive.

    Apr 21, 02:27 PM
    1. Apple is an American company. Their products get released in the US first. The US market is and should remain their primary concern. If the US is going to LTE, that's where Apple needs to go.

    No offence, but I think Apple goes where most of their customers are, and if most of them are non-Americans, than that is where their priority lies.

    Feb 19, 09:55 AM
    I've always been as skinny as Steve is now. Guess I must dying too...

    Mar 25, 09:29 AM
    it wasn't until iOS and the apps store where you could do things like select a few recipes and make a shopping list did a PDA become useful

    Recipe and shopping list Palm / Windows Mobile apps like Pocket Cook date from 2000. That one in particular won awards for years.

    What you mean is, it wasn't until iOS that the mass public else took notice. Millions of us were surfing the web and using apps on PDAs, smartphones and tablets long before that.

    Aug 19, 09:59 PM
    oh.. well i wasn't first with it, but as long as it is possible. i have an old hp from 8 years ago, and i doubt it will handle this, but i will give it a try..

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