Sunday, June 5, 2011

violante placido

violante placido. Violante Placido
  • Violante Placido

  • Tailpike1153
    Jan 20, 12:48 PM
    I'd say I'll never get lost again but I seem to have misplaced my iPhone.:p

    violante placido. Violante Placido picture
  • Violante Placido picture

  • dsnort
    Mar 12, 01:56 PM

    I know of a company that makes....let's say trailers. They are built in Brazil. They ship them to the US in crates. When they get here, they are uncrated, the wheels and tongue are bolted on, and they slap an "Assembled in the USA" sticker on 'em and sling 'em out the door.

    violante placido. Violante Placido Violante
  • Violante Placido Violante

  • tech4all
    Nov 21, 04:58 PM
    this tech would have worked great in a powerbook G5......

    I know really. I could see the tagline now:

    The new PowerBook G5. Power cords are a thing of the past.

    Yea, kinda cheesy, but you get the idea. :)

    violante placido. hot model Violante Placido
  • hot model Violante Placido

  • mdntcallr
    Oct 12, 04:26 PM
    Im not so sure they are switching. hard to say. maybe foxconn will make 1 model, maybe they will share manufacturing responsibility with another manufacturer.

    my bet is they have several different manufacturers. with macbook split up between 2-3 builders. and just 1 making MBP.


    violante placido. Violante Placido Actress
  • Violante Placido Actress

  • mdntcallr
    Aug 14, 10:02 AM
    hah! actors!

    violante placido. Violante Placido
  • Violante Placido

  • Mercer
    Dec 18, 08:51 AM
    God i hope RATM get number 1, i cant see it, i've just got a feeling that X Factor will win :mad::eek:


    violante placido. Violante Placido
  • Violante Placido

  • lordonuthin
    Apr 16, 06:56 PM
    do you ever use these stats? (

    you can see other individuals also. and see how you rank against them.

    I do now, for some reason it takes me a while to understand when I look at it.

    yes we do need more users. 1,000 users @ 100 ppd is 100,000 ppd. whiterabbit is doing almost that by himself!

    Ha ha, yes we could use some more folders.

    violante placido. Violante Placido hairstyles
  • Violante Placido hairstyles

  • JackAttack!
    May 1, 07:57 PM
    I have a beta code for gamestop, but I don't see a Mac version available, where can I download this?


    violante placido. Violante Placido and George
  • Violante Placido and George

  • Zeos
    Mar 11, 12:58 PM
    Can you ask if they have instructions from AT&T for moving grandfathered unlimited plans to the iPad2?:)

    Stonebriar Frisco update, about 60 in line. Apple rep going down line asking if we have any questions and will try to give us answers.

    Asked about what and when accessories are available

    Ask about how many per person

    Asked about qnty of each available

    Asked about flow when doors open at 5:00

    And if we do not want personal setup is there an express pay lane


    violante placido. Picture of Violante Placido
  • Picture of Violante Placido

  • obeygiant
    Dec 7, 05:19 PM
    Very sorry.


    violante placido. Violante Placido | GQ Italia
  • Violante Placido | GQ Italia

  • bommai
    Mar 25, 12:50 AM
    Bought one, but already have a 16GB iPad 2. Do I really need one more?

    violante placido. Violante Placido to come,
  • Violante Placido to come,

  • chrono1081
    Apr 11, 08:33 PM
    Haha, spoiled Americans ;)
    Cheapest in my town, Gothenburg, Sweden, is $8,5 per gallon...

    Agreed we are spoiled. Unfortunately the U.S. has a horrible infrastructure as far as public transportation and such so many people live far from their jobs and have to drive everywhere.

    I remember in New Zealand paying $4 something per liter :eek:

    Here where I live at the Sheetz gas stations its $3.75.


    violante placido. Violante Placido GQ 1
  • Violante Placido GQ 1

  • yg17
    Apr 23, 09:34 AM
    He's a racist, narcissistic blowhard. I fear for this country if he gets anywhere close to the White House.

    violante placido. Violante Placido
  • Violante Placido

  • jedivulcan
    Jan 19, 04:42 PM
    I love Nintendo and thought they made great portable gaming systems but I think this is a serious misstep. I reserve my final judgment until I get my hands on a system myself.


    violante placido. Violante Placido.
  • Violante Placido.

  • jayP1201
    Jan 6, 05:12 PM
    I have the Push working for Facebook but I cant hear anything... The notifications just come up... How do I set the sound?

    violante placido. Violante Placido The American
  • Violante Placido The American

  • hismikeness
    Mar 23, 02:12 PM
    It would be nice if this worked in the other direction as well--i.e., from a computer to an iOS/AirPlay device. (Yes, I know about AirFoil and friends.)

    EDIT: Wait, can Home Sharing in 4.3 do this? (I don't have a 4.3 device...yet.) If so, I guess I can expand my wishlist to include non-iTunes media... :)

    For your non iTunes video, check out this ( app. I have it and really like it. You set it up on your computer, tell it where to look for supported video files, download the app on your iDevice, and streaming begins.

    There is even functionality for converting to iTunes format, though I haven't messed around with that much, so I can't speak to its effectiveness.

    Best 3 bucks I've spent on the App Store.

    EDIT: Didn't see this response ahead of mine. Almost word for word...

    You should check out Air Video (the iOS app). It's the best solution I've found and with iOS 4.3 it works great for streaming all the .avi and .mkv movies on my HD to my apple TV via my iPhone.

    It goes (Air Video server on computer) -> iOS device -> Apple TV.

    It was probably the best $2.99 I've ever spent.


    violante placido. Violante Placido
  • Violante Placido

  • Crigger540
    Apr 24, 08:14 PM
    Aw! I got excited, I thought by the title that this was going to be something new.

    violante placido. Violante Placido Hairstyles
  • Violante Placido Hairstyles

  • SevenInchScrew
    Mar 9, 11:59 AM
    I think I'm going to go with Flickr, since Smugmug is too expensive for my needs. Thanks!

    EDIT: actually, I just checked, and Flickr will only let me upload 300MB a month, and will only let me see the most recent 200 pictures on a free account. That's basically worthless too. Maybe I'll just buy another external hard drive instead.
    Flickr Pro is $25 a year, and has no limits. You could get 3-4 years of Flickr Pro for the price of your average nice external drive. I would rather have Flickr Pro, but that is just me.

    violante placido. Violante Placido Esquire 3
  • Violante Placido Esquire 3

  • InfoSecmgr
    Apr 6, 03:38 PM
    That has nothing to do with the hundreds of billions we dump on weapons that don't even get used.

    It has everything to do with it. You simply have no concept of what goes on in the military unless you are in or work for them. You really think what you hear in the news is the way it is? Wow.

    Apr 17, 06:17 AM
    Is it me or is Apple becoming a silly caricature of its own 1984 ad?

    No. They are worse than the IBM caricature that they painted back in 1984.

    The good news is that Apple's iPhone OS won't be the dominating mobile platform for much longer. The sales numbers show that Android is quickly gaining momentum, and Google's marketplace is not censored at all and developers can choose whatever development tool they want to produce software for Android.

    Apple will soon fall back into that little niche where they came from. And they deserve it because of their megalomaniac behavior and arrogant attitude.

    History is going to repeat itself because Apple hasn't learned from their mistakes in the past. They lost the desktop to Microsoft because Apple refused to open their platform to third parties. Now they will lose the mobile market to Google.

    The WePad is going to ship in July. Even if it might not be as sexy as the over-hyped iPad, it is an OPEN device. And in the end, the open platform will win.

    On a more personal note: I do not need and I do not want Apple to tell me what I can read or see on my device. If I want to see naked flesh, then it's none of Apple's business and they have ZERO rights to deny me that. (I'm European - we're not prude here and we prefer sex over violence.) If I want to use software that directly competes with Apple's own offers, then obviously their competition is giving me something that I like better than Apple's software products.

    As much as I like Apple's computers, I hate their entire AppStore and iPhone SDK policies with a passion.

    Oct 9, 04:54 PM
    gee, the retail stores would speak out against something that would hurt their sales, wouldn't they?

    apple is providing an alternative just like retail stores provided alternatives to going out to a theater when VHS was released. im certainly not saying it's better, i would never download an itunes movie, because i'd rather have a physical dvd. but now i have the choice.

    Apr 8, 04:52 PM
    So I guess I see where my discovery channel went Andy why I got like 10 more stations :confused:. Guess I should read the news more often :p

    Bring back Discovery :(

    Mar 27, 03:47 AM
    The worn turtlenecks go to the incinerator in the basement...

    Oh, I forgot. Since apple turned green they are shredded and made into iPhone boxes.

    Apr 15, 12:56 PM
    no you don't, exchange 2003 and later supports push email like blackberries and no need for pop/imap. and it's probably more supported than using zimbra on the iphone.

    Are you doing this on purpose ? You have failed to address all the points I've brought up, including the fact that Push based e-mail is not a Exchange only feature.

    Look, if you want to debate this, at least give us a good-faith performance. None of this bad-faith arguing that just's going to go on and on for pages, where you ignore most points and just re-hash and imply your older debunked points.

    it's relative cost. almost everyone uses exchange. if zimbra wants the market they need to price themselves very low or offer killer features MS doesn't. how do you even back up zimbra since exchange has agents available from every major backup application allowing you to do online backups

    Zimbra was simply an example. And yes, it does support the same Full/Incremental backups that Exchange does. In fact, Exchange doesn't even support anything but full EDB backups out of the box, the per-mailbox backups/restores the many different 3rd party solution offers are based around hacks.

    Microsoft doesn't officially support mailbox-level backups/restores (I'll admit my knowledge stops at around Exchange 2003 thank god), without first restoring the whole storage group to a "recovery" storage group/server and then using Exmerge.exe all things to restore to the production storage group :

    Thank god Veritas/HP/CA created those agents...

    I think I'll move you to ignore now. It's quite apparent to me that you're simply going to try to shove Microsoft stuff down our throats without even knowing about the competition (as is obvious by your constant bashing of Zimbra based on assumptions which have proven false, simply because it was brought up as an example of one of dozens of collaboration suites out there).

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