Thursday, June 2, 2011

yosemite national park map

yosemite national park map. Google Maps -- Yosemite
  • Google Maps -- Yosemite

  • besler3035
    Jan 19, 07:48 PM
    You probably don't have Adobe Reader installed. Mac OS X comes with an application called Preview which opens up PDF files. It is the default viewer for PDF files, even if you do have Reader installed. It also saves it to the desktop by default, like you explained.

    If you do have Adobe Reader installed, check out the info on one of the PDF files. It should say Open With...and then have a drop-down menu and say Preview. You can change this to say Adobe Reader, and then click the box that says change for all documents like this.

    Note: This may not change whether it is saved on the desktop, because I don't think Safari or Mozilla has native-PDF support built into their browsers.

    yosemite national park map. the Yosemite National Park
  • the Yosemite National Park

  • Michael383
    Apr 29, 04:23 AM
    I have no doubt Lion will be released on DVD, what I find more interesting is the other methods of distribution.

    yosemite national park map. Yosemite National Park
  • Yosemite National Park

  • Laslo Panaflex
    Sep 19, 04:18 PM
    Do you mean "whilst" the update is happening the fans run at full speed, or after the update applys your fans are stupidly loud? :confused:

    With a pending order of the mac pro, the last thing I wanna go through is powermac G5 fan hell again......

    Yes, please elaborate on what you mean, I don't want to update if it's going have my fans running full speed at all times.

    yosemite national park map. Maps in the News: Maps of
  • Maps in the News: Maps of

  • dslade09
    Mar 11, 12:47 AM
    Very nice capture. This reminds me of the lighting style used in Tron and Tron: Legacy. What might be fun is to drastically reduce your aperture / increase your f-number and do a long exposure shot of it so that it is entirely in focus. I would also center it in the frame but that could just be me.

    That is what I thinking of doing but I do not have a tripod at the moment! That and a remote are on my shopping list of things to get. the reason its in that angle it I was charging the laptop and it would of exposed the charging light in the left. (

    I like how everything is dark except the yellow road stripe and light where cars are passing. Nice shot!


    yosemite national park map. Map of Yosemite National Park
  • Map of Yosemite National Park

  • rasmasyean
    May 1, 09:40 AM
    IDC talks about revenues and number of boxes. I'm talking about actual environnements. ;)

    One day, when you work in IT, you'll understand what the real workhorse of the industry is.

    Hey...get with the times man, "unix god complex" has been out of style for over a decade! :D

    yosemite national park map. Map of Yosemite Lodge At The
  • Map of Yosemite Lodge At The

  • Adamo
    Mar 20, 02:57 PM
    I disagree, very very small discount

    Apple should have extended the full education discount of 14% to students. As much as I love Apple's products, they're very much an overly greedy company these days. They're also possibly being myopic, as students are highly likely to buy content for the device IMO

    Very shameful Apple
    Uh, why? How is it shameful? This isn't an item that is even remotely usable for studying with alone - what other electronics company does student discount on the scale that Apple does? The iPad is a glorified iPod touch, it is not a learning device (yet), not will it replace a computer in the home unless all you use is Facebook, even then you can't upload photos without the use of another computer.
    Who cares??? its a $500 device that can replace all computer needs of any student. Period.

    I'm tired of hearing this backwater lack of imagination. Every student should have an iPad, and the great news is that most can afford one, even without "discounts".
    Sarcasm, right? Any student, it doesn't even fulfill the needs of half of all students. It can't print, for one! Nor can you put pictures or anything onto it without the use of another computer, so how exactly does it replace a computer?


    yosemite national park map. Yosemite National Park
  • Yosemite National Park

  • JAT
    Apr 5, 12:59 PM
    I am not saying CR has no understanding of technology, however, Their fourth choice was Centrum.
    They have gone back and forth over the years on how to test electronics. So many things are subjective, including picture quality, audio quality, gui usage quality....and they generally try to use "regular" people as the point. So they rate pretty much all HDTVs as having high points for video quality, even though there are clearly standouts to videophiles. And don't even get me started on speakers.

    You really can't use CR as anything more than a single data point. You must find other data points to do research. But that doesn't mean CR is worthless, just shouldn't be your only tool.

    yosemite national park map. Yosemite National Park
  • Yosemite National Park

  • sfwalter
    Mar 8, 08:43 PM
    With all these places selling the iPad 2 (Apple Store, Best Buy, Target, Walmart) I really wonder if there will be much of a line at all.


    yosemite national park map. Free map of Yosemite National
  • Free map of Yosemite National

  • IntelliUser
    Mar 27, 05:23 PM
    Here's the truth. Be aware that it's very disturbing.

    yosemite national park map. Yosemite National Park
  • Yosemite National Park

  • ellyka112
    Nov 21, 03:11 AM
    Good luck to that kid. He'll need it seeing Apple's recent track record with cases like this.

    Lam's success has not gone unnoticed, however, as he has now received a letter from a purported private investigator claiming that Lam is trafficking in stolen goods. Lam intends to secure the services of a lawyer to defend himself against any possible action.


    yosemite national park map. Free map of Yosemite National
  • Free map of Yosemite National

  • gregorsamsa
    Nov 2, 05:17 PM
    In respect to the dedicated graphics card, I totally agree with you here. I keep saying it, but a dedicated gaming machine made in the Apple style would absolutely vault them 5% in share overnight. Maybe more.

    However in my experience, fewer people are waiting on Vista for a new machine than you may think. I'm really surprised at how little buzz Vista is getting. I've got several friends with HIGH END hardware running Vista beta now, and the all think it works great except for Aero, which to a person they have all turned off. Every single one of them complains about the speed, but say it is very solid crash-wise, especially for a beta. But when I press them if they will actually buy Vista the day it comes out, all but one said no. The main reason is that there is just nothing all that compelling there. And what with significant evidence ( that they have completely re-written their networking stack, I think I'll be with them on the sidelines waiting for a while until they work the bugs out.

    So at least in my limited experience, people who need new hardware are buying it now - and not really waiting for Vista, which may be 9-12 months off for them anyway. What this means to me is that Apple's marketshare increases can be written off as an anomaly all that easily.

    Thanks for the interesting podcast link. I wasn't unaware of Vista's possible security problems, I just never realized how bad the worst case scenario could be...despite all the delayed launches. Yes, potentially a hackers paradise, but I'd still be surprised if the final version of Vista wasn't far more secure than previous versions of W$.

    I think you're right that some people will be wary of becoming early adopters of Vista in light of all the cited beta-version problems. Many may wait for a Vista SP edition (some 12 months away). Also, there's bound to be some initial confusion for less savvy PC users when faced with 6 different versions of Vista. Despite this, I still expect many millions to be swayed by M$'s mass advertizing campaigns to take the plunge soon after launch.

    But like you, I think none of this need greatly affect Apple's steady rise in marketshare. For sure, Mac OS X will remain the best & most secure OS there is. I just have growing doubts about whether Apple's lack of dedicated graphics in their consumer Macs, combined with the novelty of M$'s new baby, won't cost Apple dearly in the long term. - I very much hope I'll be proved wrong.

    yosemite national park map. Yosemite National Park Map
  • Yosemite National Park Map

  • 63dot
    Mar 12, 04:41 PM
    Good point. There is a little article in the April Car and Driver that lists all of the cars assembled in North America and their actual domestic parts content. Some of it is pretty shocking. Sorry, I don't think they have it online, but if somebody really wants it, I can scan it.

    As an example, the Honda Accord and Toyota Camry are both 80% U.S./Canadian parts content. The Chevrolet Silverado pickup? ...61%. :eek:

    Wow, I came into this thread late. I wonder where the other 39% percent of the Silverado is from? I would guess more than one country. I know about the US Toyota plant, but Honda, too?

    Anyway, I kind of like the Honda Fit and if that's helping American workers, then all the more power to them.


    yosemite national park map. Yosemite National Park
  • Yosemite National Park

  • MacBandit
    Sep 14, 02:09 AM
    Originally posted by MacManiac1224
    Can the G4 beat the Pentium 5? You are probably scratching your heads on this one. Yep, the Pentium 5 is very real, and it is coming soon. 2nd quarter of the Pentium 5 debuting at 3.2GHZ is going to come out. It will have 100 million transistors on it and it will be manufactured at .09 microns. Also, here is the doozy, it will have 1 mb of L2 on die cache, and it will support 333mhz bus speeds, with the addition of DDR, that is a possible 667mhz bus speeds. By the way, if you were wondering, the Pentium 4 has 42 million transistors.

    Now, for the G4: I am not sure how many transistors the G4 has, but I imagine it is way less then 100 million, or even 42 million, considering the P4 came out after the G4. Anyway, the cache on the G4 is higher on the high-end, 2mb of cache. But: the speed: 1.25Ghz? Can that really stand up to a P5 with 333mhz bus, and 3.2Ghz clock speeds? My opinion: most likely not.

    Not to be criticle but the G4 does not have 2mb of L2 cache on the high end model it only has 256k. It does have 2mb of L3. The 1MB of L2 in my oppinion will be a lot faster then any L3 cache because it's accessed at full CPU speed. But we all know this doesn't really make a nickels worth of difference because we all know the current cpu at the current speed would be absolutely trounced by this new pentium. I also know feel that we will not be stuck at this slow progression of speed for the next year.

    I personally though am in no way dissapointed in the new macs they are extremely fast. Yes faster then the Quicksilvers they just need to be used in the right application i.e. video editing, gaming, etc.. Anything that requires large amounts of data to be moved from the hard drive to the Ram and the same for the PCI and AGP cards to the Ram or Hard drive.

    yosemite national park map. [ Maps of Yosemite National
  • [ Maps of Yosemite National

  • miles01110
    Mar 24, 07:37 AM
    So wants stopping apple from added drivers to osx to run on what ever hardware that the army has?

    Apple, mainly. They are extremely stubborn about what hardware their software runs on.

    Or letting them have custom systems or having the use dells / hp / who ever with mac os x?

    OS X officially does not run on non-Apple hardware.

    The Government, I mean serious government, with big purchasing power gets great deals on Mac's better than you think and competitive to the high end systems you might get from Dell etc

    Doesn't matter, Dell's (or whoever's) deal is going to be better. Not to mention by buying a Windows machine they don't have to provide additional tech support, buy any new software, or integrate it into existing networks. Plus Dell/Windows machine makers already have a well-established relationship with the military that goes back decades.


    yosemite national park map. Pinnacles National Park Topo
  • Pinnacles National Park Topo

  • Sixtafoua
    Mar 13, 09:50 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    I have no idea what time it should be, but my iPhone's time matches my iPad's time, so I think it's right. :/

    yosemite national park map. Yosemite National Park
  • Yosemite National Park

  • kevinkt
    Jun 18, 03:08 PM
    Can someone tell me how can a small SD card be able to hold 2t. If this is the case why are most External HD so much bigger?


    yosemite national park map. Memory Map: Yosemite National
  • Memory Map: Yosemite National

  • A Macbook Pro
    Apr 26, 12:53 AM
    This just in: The sky is still blue.

    yosemite national park map. Map Of Yosemite Valley.
  • Map Of Yosemite Valley.

  • rodpascoe
    Sep 25, 10:52 AM
    Which cameras in particular. It already supports all the serious Pro cameras if you ignore the very recently announced Canon and Nikon amature DSLRs.

    Um, no it doesn't Fuji S1, S2, S3 RAW Files are not supported. This camera is used by more wedding photographers than any other.

    yosemite national park map. in Yosemite National Park
  • in Yosemite National Park

  • rowanhall
    Nov 14, 09:33 AM
    we all know m$ is stuffed from day one... the only people i could imagine buying the zune are m$ fanboys or apple haters... "bet your ipod can't do this"... so what...

    i had been expecting something huge like this to come out today... and i'm expecting bigger still...

    how long till somebody makes an adaptor for the zune to make use of the apple dock connector?

    Dec 22, 07:20 AM
    You seem to have all the time in the world to come in here and point out how "pathetic" we all are. Really nice of you btw, thanks.

    1. I said I had "limited" time to discuss the idea behind the campaign. Limited is the key word. Note, I've not spent significantly more time discussing it than you or others in the thread. I enjoy discussing the idea behind things, trying to get to understand the logic involved. I apologise for expressing an opposing view to the OP. Obviously I have misunderstood the whole concept of a discussion forum.

    2. Like another poster above who seems to have incorrectly comprehended my earlier post, I described the campaign as "pathetic". At no point did I describe you, or any other individual as pathetic. There was no personal insults so lets avoid making stuff up, ok?

    Call people "pathetic" all you want.

    See point 2 above.

    I think it's pretty laughable how you've clearly been far more put out by it's very existence than any of those who took part were.

    I haven't actually. Again, you seem to be making stuff up. I already explained how I haven't been out out by this at all. I just thought that the whole campaign was totally pointless, and still do.

    People seem to be looking in to what was supposed to be a simple bit of fun/rebellion too much. No one cares what record label people are with. It wasn't an attack on labels or the music industry. The point was simple, to have something the complete opposite of X Factor at number 1. We did it, quickly and simply, with minimal fuss, and all from the comfort of sitting in front of our own computers.

    If it has made you all feel as though you have more power now to get things done then that's great. I'm really really pleased for you.

    Mar 1, 10:30 PM
    More screenshots carrying on from yesterday.
    There will be more from server admin later, which will show file-sharing options.

    Apr 12, 02:17 PM
    It seems snappier!


    Jun 16, 04:24 PM
    officially supporting the iPhone requires a little custom work on the part of the carrier. People have been unlocking iPhones for years now and putting them on T-Mobile, but the Visual Voicemail feature is non-functional when you do that.

    If T-Mobile isn't expressing any interest in changing things on their network just to support this one phone, that could be a sticking point right there?

    The larger carriers like Verizon or Sprint have more resources available to do things like this.

    It took a "research firm" to figure this out? I don't know why people were expecting Verizon to get it before T-mobile. All carriers will get it eventually but it makes only sense that the one also using the GSM network will get it first.

    Sep 26, 03:50 AM
    Apple is right to sue IMO, what does the Pod in Podcasting refer to? The iPod of course!

    If not for the iPod, Podcasting would have no meaning.

    Unfortunately, I don't think that this type of extension is really defensible. There must be limits on what Apple can trademark and control with reference to the word 'pod'. What about the website 'podshow'? Should they be allowed to register? Extending the reach of the iPod brand into regions that are phonetically the same i.e. myPodder, is troubling to me, but less so than iPodder, for example. Defending the "brand name" iPod is a completely different issue from preventing other uses of the word "pod" in the digital media sphere.

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