Wednesday, June 1, 2011

chicago bulls wallpaper 2011

chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. chicago bulls wallpaper rose.
  • chicago bulls wallpaper rose.

  • islesguy81
    Jun 10, 11:26 AM
    If T-mobile gets the iPhone maybe they will have better data plans than AT&T

    chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. chicago bulls 2011 wallpaper.
  • chicago bulls 2011 wallpaper.

  • notjustjay
    Nov 14, 09:48 AM
    United is the ONLY airline that does this.

    Really? That's too bad... it was a really neat feature. I knew when to expect altitude changes, when (and, more importantly, why) various turns were being made, and whether to expect turbulence up ahead. Hearing the hand-off between various centers also gave me a rough idea of where we were, and gave me an idea of our surroundings (I heard pilots and ATC commenting on what was likely smoke from a forest fire).

    chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. chicago bulls 2011 wallpaper.
  • chicago bulls 2011 wallpaper.

  • wordoflife
    Apr 5, 04:50 PM
    Interesting. Faster backup speeds ftw

    chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. chicago bulls logo black
  • chicago bulls logo black

  • bretm
    Apr 16, 03:03 PM
    I can't say I am a fan of Adobe Flash as I am a big supporter of an open web, but I must say that if cross-compiled apps are inferior then the customers in the app store will certainly vote with their dollars to favor the natively written apps.

    However, I can see Apple putting this new restriction in their license agreement so as to protect themselves in case the Adobe folks find some way to sneak things onto the iPhone via their cross-compiling tools. Apple is protecting their turf, but by error on the side of caution they set themselves up for bad PR even if they intend to be more lax in acting on those restrictions.

    Here is another example of that occurring.... certainly Apple is choosing to reserve the right to bend the rules where they see fit. But without the strict wording in the developer agreement they really wouldn't have a leg to stand on. They are doing the same with pornography by revoking/rejecting all those junk porn apps that polluted the app store while still allowing the "main stream" stuff from established publishers.

    On one hand, its Apple's store and if they don't want to pollute their shelves with garbage then I applaud them. However, somebody is going to cry foul since there is not another legitimate store for iPhone apps, and I wonder if this will eventually blow-up as some sort of new anti-trust thing.

    Here's what I think the cross-compiler issue is. Adobe had the same sort of problem before they bought flash, with their app that made flash files. It was called LiveMotion and it was great. The problem with that app though, was that Macromedia controlled flash, and adobe could only reverse engineer it after the latest version had been released. So, the features of Flash 7 couldn't be realized by the Adobe LiveMotion app until waaaay after the release of Flash 7. Usually near Flash 8, etc. Adobe was essentially always a version behind. Not such a big deal with apps made for desktops and laptops. But if Apple wants to control the experience and have all it's apps updated very quickly for new OS updates, they'd have to reveal all the new features to Adobe way beforehand so that all the people making apps via Adobe's compilier could update them quickly. And of course Apple would be reliant on those developers actually desiring to pay Adobe for an upgrade to flash, which usually only comes out every year and a half or so. Much slower than updates to iPhone and it's OS. So instead, if all the developers are using Apple's tools, Apple can simply slide them a free SDK update and have them recompile. Since updating apps is so simple this way, Apple can easily require that the developers recompile in a certain time frame. Pretty hard to do for the developers that would be going through Flash, and if Adobe didn't update their tools, then the devs couldn't update, and you've got a mess and the only people losing would be the iPhone users, and then of course Apple.

    Not saying it's right or wrong. Just saying that's where Apple's coming from. I really don't think they are trying to piss off Adobe in particular. Why should they be angry at Adobe anyway? They're the ones that didn't allow flash. Adobe should be angry at Apple.


    chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. chicago bulls 2011 wallpaper.
  • chicago bulls 2011 wallpaper.

  • fortunecookie
    Mar 14, 01:37 PM
    What if it just says Made in USA, wht if it really is made somewhere else? Think twice.

    chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. derrick rose chicago bulls
  • derrick rose chicago bulls

  • vettori
    Apr 19, 10:06 AM
    This task switcher is nice but probably Apple used the icons (option 2 or 2222?) because they're more recognizable than some little screenshot to decide which app to open.


    chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. chicago bulls 2011 wallpaper.
  • chicago bulls 2011 wallpaper.

  • Muscleflex
    Apr 15, 07:35 AM
    never mind all this. i want to know his salary!

    chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. derrick rose wallpaper 2011.
  • derrick rose wallpaper 2011.

  • geerlingguy
    Sep 25, 10:04 AM
    how many of us actually care much about aperture...?

    Tally me in the 'I care' crowd as well.

    If the student price were $99, I could buy it in a heartbeat... but it's so close that I'm trying to find a way to get it.


    chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. derrick rose wallpaper 2011
  • derrick rose wallpaper 2011

  • Richard Flynn
    Sep 20, 06:45 AM
    OK, following on from my previous message... My 'issue' got 'escalated' and I spoke to someone higher up the AppleCare pecking order (a Frenchman). He said that there might be a problem with this firmware update and my machine's specs [my speculation - the brand of SuperDrive (Sony DW-D150A)? my processor (dual 3GHz)?]. He 'felt sure that I wouldn't be the only person worldwide having this problem' (didn't tell him about this thread or a similar one on Apple's own forums), and will get back to me within 48 hours having spoken to Apple Engineering to see if his theory holds true. Time will tell!

    chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. chicago bulls 2011 wallpaper.
  • chicago bulls 2011 wallpaper.

  • scem0
    Sep 14, 09:40 PM
    Originally posted by MacBandit

    Not truly cheaper. Not truly faster.

    I dont see how anyone can say this when I can get a 2.8 GHz custom built speed-demon for 1,300 after shopping around, and I cant get **** from apple for 1,300. Well I could get something, but nothing that compares speed-wise to the pentium 4.


    chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. chicago bulls 2011 wallpaper.
  • chicago bulls 2011 wallpaper.

  • avkills
    Sep 22, 11:21 AM
    Okay, I'll agree with you about not being able to "custom" build your own Macintosh. It has drawbacks and advantages. Mostly advantages in my opinion. Apple has always made systems that perform more predictably. Simply put, the software (OS) and the hardware work better hand in hand. Although Microsoft has done pretty good with XP, it does some neat stuff, but I still prefer OS X. However, even though you can't build your own Mac, it is very easy to add after market upgrades such as hard drives, RAM, PCI cards, etc least in the towers. Obviously, the iMac is for the person who does not care to go inside their computer, they just want something that turns on and works. Today, most of the hardware is pretty interchangeable.

    In the future I'd like to see the hardware makers standardize even more, so maybe all the PCI cards could work in both systems without the need for different ROMS, but that will probably never happen, due to the stark differences in how Apple and Intel/AMD design the MB.

    I don't know about the 2 processor limit on the G4. I always thought if the processor supported SMP, then you could go to town.

    I never remember seeing any PCs with USB until after Apple released the original iMac. If they did, they sure were not using it much. In fact, they still mostly use the PS/2 ports. Maybe because the PC liked to crash back in the Win98 days. USB was definitely plug and pray for them back then.

    I personally don't mind what Apple charges, since they make a product that works. I never go a week without hearing someone crying about something being wrong with their PC and Windows.


    chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. chicago bulls 2011 wallpaper.
  • chicago bulls 2011 wallpaper.

  • marksman
    Apr 1, 12:04 PM
    wonder if this is why direcTV never came out with this functionality. Generally they are ahead of the curve (TWC) with comes to actually providing value for the customers, to some degree.

    Until not that long ago Fox controlled DirecTV, so that is likely why.

    They have a program you can use on your computer to watch your dvr from your computer, but it has issues.. One is it does not work on a computer with dual monitors, which is just dumb.


    chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. chicago bulls 2011 wallpaper.
  • chicago bulls 2011 wallpaper.

  • dricci
    Sep 20, 03:45 PM
    Originally posted by ColdZero
    Oh yea, nice and fast :rolleyes:. A Dual 1.25Ghz G4 vs a single 2.8ghz P4, uhhh isn't that a little unfair. Where is the dual 2.4ghz P4 vs dual 1.25ghz G4 comparison?

    P4s can't go Dual. It's sorta like the G3, it's just not designed to do that. It wouldn't work.

    chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. fc, chicago bulls wallpaper
  • fc, chicago bulls wallpaper

  • CFreymarc
    Nov 20, 10:47 AM
    Pretty cool that some kid can take initiative and do what Apple apparently cannot.

    I am sure there is going to be a bunch going back and forth. It is very hard to prosecute on this if it was a parts order the primary didn't accept. He may claim that he is just selling surplus or discarded parts as salvage. Love to know who is footing the PIs bill to harass this kid.


    chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. The Bulls beat the Continue
  • The Bulls beat the Continue

  • Adam-
    Apr 5, 11:15 AM
    Also For a 5th gen leaked ipod its pretty beaten up. I mean if i had somehow got a prototype i would keep it in a glass cabinet surrounded with cushions to stop it getting beat up. And wouldn't it run iOS5 if its the fifth generation? so why doesn't he tell us about that?

    chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. chicago bulls wallpaper
  • chicago bulls wallpaper

  • wsteineker
    May 26, 01:48 AM
    Originally posted by Ryan1524
    i'm just curious about all the people that stated how PCs are troublesome when we're adding hardwares. after i installed XP, i did not even installed any driver and everything was recognized as soon as i plugged them in and working in no time, from keyboards, mouses, to routers, scanners, graphics cards, printers, digital cameras. i had the drivers ready, expecting the onslaught of hardware setup wizard typical of 98, but instead, there's the little pop up box near the system tray that stated that these hardwares have been recognized, drivers installed, and ready for use. and sure enough, they are. as for the hardware incompatibilities, remember that PC hardwares and softwares are made by two different companies, while any apple computers ae assembled and prepared by on company who manufactured both. therefore, they KNOW what their software needs in order for them to work perfectly.
    Ok, here's a nightmare for you just to illustrate the kind of headaches we're talking about. First, let me start by saying that I upgraded my Cube from OS 9.2.2 to OS X 10.1 all the way through 10.2.4 with no problems, and that I recently installed a Pioneer A05 DVD-R/RW in my Quicksilver tower without so much as a hiccup. So on to my Windows XP hell...

    Here's the deal. I was running a Dell with Windows 98 SE, all updates and service packs installed. The system specs were as follows: 1.2 GHz P4, 1 GB RDRAM, 80 GB HD, DVD ROM (all stock) and a Geforce 3 Ti and Sony CDRW (upgrades). Everything was hunky dory, but I was wondering what this new Microsoft OS was about. A buddy of mine is an IT admin and was just RAVING about the thing, so I figured I'd give it a try. His company bought XP on a corporate license (without the hardware registration and activation, and with one token serial for the entire company) so he gave me a copy just to try out. I appreciatively installed it on my machine which well outpaced the recommended minimum config, and got to work. The install crashed twice, but I managed to get past that.

    Once I had successfully installed, I realized that everything was running well. I went to the prefs pane to take care of that Fisher-Price My First Interface (TM), and everything was fantastic. It really was more stable, though not so much so that I never crashed at all. In fact, I still crashed once a day, but that was so much of an improvement over 98 that I didn't complain. The only real problem I had for the better part of a month was that every time something went south the machine asked me if I wished to send an error report to Microsoft. Ugh.

    So things are great for around 3 weeks when all of the sudden my CDR just stops working. Seriously, just like that. I wake up, boot, and BOOM! It's gone. It's not in My Computer, and I can't use it at all. It's visible in the BIOS, and it's obviously drawing power, but XP just decided that it wasn't welcome anymore. I got in touch with Sony after I was unable to find an XP driver on their site, and they told me that XP didn't actually need drivers. They recommended trying the 2000 Pro driver. That didn't work either, so I called Microsoft. They recommended a reformat. To this day they have no idea what went wrong. No service pack has been able to fix this, and it cost me countless hours (on top of those already detailed) to remove the HD, install it as a slave on a 2000 machine (because it was NTFS formatted) and recover my data to 65 individual CDs. What a nightmare.

    My experience may be atypical, but from talking to friends and reading the horror stories here I've come to doubt it. Simply put, XP really is the best OS Microsoft has ever produced (except for 2000 Pro, but we're quibbling). That being said, being a higher grade piece of ***** doesn't count for much. It's still a piece of ***** after all, and it's still got more buggy code than it does functional code. Since I switched to the Mac my life has been simpler. Period. End of story. Even when using OS 9 I never experienced horrors like this. OS X has been a breeze since 10.1 on 3 year old hardware. When was the last time someone could say that about ANY Microsoft OS? Seriously, the only hardware problems I've had at all on my Mac were directly related to bad memory, and that's not the fault of the OS. That's why we bitch and moan about Windows, my friend. That's why. :)


    chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. chicago bulls 2011 wallpaper.
  • chicago bulls 2011 wallpaper.

  • trsnrtr
    Mar 4, 07:15 AM (

    Wow, my eyes keep searching for more details to look at. Great pic!

    chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. chicago bulls wallpaper hd.
  • chicago bulls wallpaper hd.

  • mdntcallr
    Sep 27, 01:37 PM
    I'm hoping to see those OpenGL improvements significantly boost my Quake 1 fps on my MacBook.

    hah! you are ridiculous, trying to play quake on an integrated graphics chip.

    shoulda bought a macbook pro.

    that said, for the money apple is charging, they could have definitely picked a low end dedicated graphics chip from ati or nvidia. shame on apple

    chicago bulls wallpaper 2011. chicago bulls wallpaper 2010.
  • chicago bulls wallpaper 2010.

  • BRLawyer
    Feb 19, 11:21 AM
    I don't disagree with you at all. He did the same thing at an EU summit on e-commerce.

    As others already said, this was meant to be an INFORMAL dinner and by no means constitutes disrespect of any national or foreign authority. If there was any specific dress code (like in the Oscars, smart casual, formal attire etc.), protocol would have informed SJ.

    Besides, he was not wearing shorts, flip-flops or anything of the kind...and what others were wearing (like a tieless shirt in the case of Mr. Zuckercrap) was not much better relax, please.

    I am alarmed at the growth rate of Microsoft in the space of your post. One company is more than enough.:eek:

    If he meant it in British English, he is correct...:rolleyes:

    Sep 1, 07:15 AM
    Just asking the experts ...

    Is it possible Apple could release the final version with the option to initialize a drive with ZFS prior to install? Everything I have read about ZFS seems to point to it as a next logical step for Apple's OS.

    I'd guess about 40% chance of that (which is actually pretty good; the odds that they'll release a final version with the option to initialize a drive with NTFS are around 0%). I'd like to see it - I have seen the future, and it's ZFS.

    Jan 7, 06:21 AM
    anyone noticed the list of friends in chat is not the same listed on the main site, or beejive?

    Looks like a lot of bugs slipped through :(

    bugs, in facebook? like's like saying steve jobs uses a two button mouse!

    Sep 25, 10:26 AM
    Another event, yet another disappointment.

    What are you talking about, it isn't even over yet. All that was truly expected was an Aperture update, which has been delivered.

    Sep 14, 11:19 AM
    We all know MAC can't compete with Hardware, but we have some of the best programs on the market. That is how Steve going to use it for his ads campaign.

    I read article at the other, Apple will never make OS for PC. Check out this article:

    I am not complaining with the speed of the new Powermac, but I wouldn't mind to be faster. Faster is always better.

    With ipod release for PC. Apple will make tons of money. And maybe use that money and invest in developing new Hardware.

    Anybody has a stat. sell of Gateway Profile 4 and Apple imac? I want to see who is winning...

    Apr 25, 12:59 PM
    Sounds good. If I crash my machine on the way, I'll have this to take care of it. In my opinion, OS's should come on DVD until the time, you can reinstall them from any kind of crashing by booting in as root in the safe mode.

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