Wednesday, June 1, 2011

llamas with hats

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  • llamas in hats. tags llamas

  • Blue Velvet
    Oct 27, 06:11 PM
    Hope some of you guys will make it to the annual Macrumors London Picnic, usually in July or so. :)

    llamas with hats. Llamas with Hats Gestures
  • Llamas with Hats Gestures

  • yg17
    Sep 24, 06:30 PM
    I got the STM Rebound sleeve, and it seems like a very protective sleeve.

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  • llamas with hats 2 script

  • Aldaris
    Apr 30, 02:06 PM
    So what if I pre ordered this game a year or more ago.....
    I'm pretty sure it's been at least a year. My buddy pre ordered me and him a copy. I'll see if he got the email.

    I think this is a recent offering, it expires May 17th, and I have heard that Amazon (Europe?) expires May 16th, or when supply drops, whichever comes first.

    You'll have to check out the fine print...

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  • Llamas+with+hats+quotes

  • carbonmotion
    Apr 11, 06:30 PM
    I have an Omega Speedmaster Professional as a gift from my former employer. It has a steel band. Is there anyway to replace with with a faux leather bad. I don't think I can afford the genuine Omega band at this point in my life and the Steel bites my wrist. Also, how would I install such a thing?

    I want a band that looks something like this. Reference photo.


    llamas with hats. Llamas With Hats Carl. llamas
  • Llamas With Hats Carl. llamas

  • Blakjack
    Mar 28, 09:04 AM

    llamas with hats. for llamas wearing hats
  • for llamas wearing hats

  • iBlue
    Dec 21, 01:57 AM
    I sure hope this hasn't ruined davidjearly's christmas (


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  • Llama#39;s with hats ~Toontown

  • iBlue
    Sep 15, 08:55 PM
    I find it funny that people come here for medical advice! :rolleyes: ever heard of a Doctor? :p

    ever heard of comfort and the benefit of personal experiences? ;)


    iGary i'll just say again that i hope you ask for Zofran (or at least some such antiemetic) this will go a long way towards keeping you from getting sick, since i know you're worried about that.

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  • videos to llamas with hats

  • newtonrj
    Oct 6, 10:28 AM
    It appears more of a ghost than any real product. If they wanted a bigger screen, it would have made more sense in the iPod Touch. That device would bridge the user-gap between iPad better than a larger iPhone.

    As for smaller iPhone, can't really say what I'd be happy to do without for the sake of size. If calling was core, would I give up app store? browsing? movies? music? camera? Retina? battery? accessories?


    llamas with hats. llamas in hats.
  • llamas in hats.

  • alent1234
    Dec 27, 09:05 PM
    You're talking about a whole country. As it is right now there are more iPhones in NYC than anywhere else. In order for this to be true it would mean tens of thousands of NYers, at least, are having their personal info stolen. Also, why only the iPhone? Wouldn't these thieves with all their stolen info just move onto another AT&T phone that costs just as much? Such as BB? Why hasn't any other telco stopped onlines sales of any of their high priced phones in NYC? Surely these thieves wouldn't just buy one phone.

    To believe this you would have to jump through many conclusions, some being illogical.

    NYC has so many ethnicities, people probably ship them to other countries

    llamas with hats. Llamas With Hats 1;
  • Llamas With Hats 1;

  • thisisahughes
    Apr 5, 08:56 AM
    Motorola Xoom?


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  • videos llamas in hats

  • tcreasy
    Apr 25, 02:06 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Apple Bitch? Really? Lovely name.

    llamas with hats. llamas with hats by us llamas
  • llamas with hats by us llamas

  • Snowy_River
    Nov 14, 01:31 PM
    Does anyone know if the new Holiday Justin Long commercials will be advertised? If I remember correctly, the Will Ferrell ones were just online and not on any TV. At least not that I saw.

    While I do enjoy debate (not argument) on religion, can we please move it out of this thread? I've created a new one where you can move the discussion to, if you would be so kind:

    Yes, I agree. I'll move over... ;)

    P.S. Is there a moderator out there that could move all the posts over??


    llamas with hats. llamas with hats 3 script
  • llamas with hats 3 script

  • chmorley
    Sep 13, 08:44 AM
    Originally posted by ewinemiller
    ...and then factor out mhz, this is the list fastest to slowest: PIII-mobile, P4-533mhz bus, PIII-coppermine, G4-quicksilver, G3, PII. Of course with the boosted bus on the new G4s, this ranking may well have changed, but the point is, the P4 is no longer the laggard it was at it's introduction...

    ...I have to believe that Steve and Co. have something interesting up their sleeve because to follow Motorola's plodding updates to the G4 seems like a slow suicide and would be a terrible thing to do to the stockholders and fans of the platform.

    Before I get flamed about how it's worth the performance hit and cost to avoid the PCs reputation for more downtime. I haven't a problem like that since NT4 with sp3 as long as I use a top tier vender like dell. The handful of homegrown machines I've built since then have been notoriously twitchy, but is probably more an indicator of my skills as a system integrator not of the platform in general. Some great, true, and sad points. However, you are comparing old Macs with newer PCs. There are other factors besides processor speed that might be affecting your outcome. In addition, I wonder if the software you're using is optimized for AltiVec.

    Secondly, I agree that NT4 is notoriously stable. Isn't it a bit sad, though, that M$ofties have to use an old OS to get stability. Nonetheless, it is true that Wintel users can have greater speed and great stability on their machines. It's still not OS X, but if you're comfortable in the environment and get get things done (sometimes more) efficiently, why would you buy a new (more expensive) Mac.

    Thirdly, I think Motorola is keeping up with (the bastardaized interpretation of) Mohr's Law over the past year or two. The problem is that somewhere between their speed superiority and today, they lost ground.

    I love Apple, but if they don't find a way to catch up, they're dead in the water.


    p.s., Dell a "top tier" vendor?

    llamas with hats. Llamas with Hats
  • Llamas with Hats

  • Padraig
    Apr 5, 11:00 AM
    Hope this is a fake, as I absolutely loathe capacitive buttons on phones.


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  • Blues003
    Apr 25, 06:10 AM
    My uses would be mainly Web Browsing, Video Watching, Chatting, some gaming (mainly DS and PS2 emulation), Garage Band and Photoshop.

    As such, and considering the 9400 GPU already runs PS2 without problem, I'd say my priorities would be:

    a) More RAM
    b) Better CPU
    c) Better Battery Life
    d) Backlit Keyboard
    e) Better GPU

    llamas with hats. Llamas with Hats 2
  • Llamas with Hats 2

  • kdarling
    Dec 28, 03:59 PM
    This is nothing more than manufactured non news.

    You're right. So is most stuff on this forum.

    It doesn't stop people from being interested in reading about carrier fumbles. It's like watching a slow motion train wreck.


    llamas with hats. get more llamas with hats
  • get more llamas with hats

  • Zepaw
    Apr 13, 09:18 AM
    I'm holding off on the ipad. I really like it and I'm not waiting for some future specs. I just am not sure I have enough need for it to spend that kind of cash. I have a three year old laptop and I think I'd rather save a little more money and get a new laptop than add an ipad to my collection. And I think the needs of an ipad are not that great for me right now.

    I think if I were to buy one it would be as a gift for my parents. You know these are ideal for people in the family who do not really need a full computer but you'd like to have the ability to interact with on-line. You can set it up with your own computer and occasionally update it for them. It looks to be a lot less of a headache to manage for someone who is not tech savvy than a full computer.

    Ditto on all counts, especially if the 3yo laptop is a MBP.

    llamas with hats. utilize llamas Two hats
  • utilize llamas Two hats

  • MattDell
    Oct 26, 07:38 AM
    I see a lot of London students in here. What campus is everyone from? I'm studying at LSE. Anyone else?

    And... I'll be there around 5ish.


    llamas with hats. Llamas with Hats 2
  • Llamas with Hats 2

  • dukebound85
    Dec 27, 06:34 PM
    simple fix

    buy it outside nyc

    Apr 18, 12:29 PM
    I disagree. Europe has public transportation that is centuries ahead of the USA. Gas is $3.79 here in mid Missouri.

    "Ahead" in what terms? Sure, public transport is used considerably more in Europe than in the US. Reason? Gas prices (oh yes, and the fact that you can't get a parking space in the big cities just makes it more convenient).
    But is the actual infrastructure worse? From a european point of view, that is hard to believe.

    Check out this link for a comparison of transportation prices EU vs. US:

    Mar 24, 11:38 AM
    That would be nice...

    Mar 28, 08:24 AM
    This confirms that iOS 5 will be previewed in June and not in April like past years...

    so no dev previews to get the bugs worked out as well as get devs writing iOS 5 apps for release?

    Apr 12, 01:16 PM
    Bibliography sorting in Word is finally fixed! Now 100% less useless!

    Apr 24, 09:07 PM
    Where is the best place to sell a 64GB iPad 2 non-3G? I tried eBay and twice now someone did buy it now and couldn't pay right away... It's very very lightly used all I'm trying to do is get what I paid for it, any recommendations would be a huge help... I tried Mac forums as well, is there a new site everyone's using nowadays?

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