Tuesday, June 7, 2011

newschool tattoo

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  • mdgm
    May 5, 07:05 PM
    You can put a SSD in (same instructions as for putting a HDD in). See iFixit's guide.

    There are different brands of SSD to choose from e.g. Intel, OWC, OCZ etc.

    You can't replace the CPU though.

    If you have the 2Ghz CPU then you have the early 09 Mini, not the late 09.

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  • zap2
    May 2, 02:51 PM
    Gives us a nice goal to get out of Afghanistan have finished. We got him and destroyed his network ability to launch large attacks. And hopefully but Afghanistan into a position where the moderates will be in control.

    Were we ever going to stop terrorism with guns? No, but thats a long term battle we need to be fighting. And its one that starts with leaving Iraq and Afghanistan.

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  • twoodcc
    May 3, 07:00 PM
    Welcome MacInside_Octo1 to the team.

    Your stats: http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/user_summary.php?s=&u=512266

    thanks for joining!

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  • ctdonath
    Oct 6, 10:39 AM
    They've already asked their developers to change app resolutions once. 3 screen sizes will never fly with developers.

    Just get it over with and allow variable screen sizes.


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  • appleguy123
    Mar 26, 05:09 PM
    Two questions:

    1) Is that an iPad on the table?
    2) Who paid for the coffee? :D

    It's one of those containers holding the bill. It's too black to be an iPad.

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  • AP_piano295
    May 2, 01:30 PM
    I wish this would begin our troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. Simply a money pit.

    The fact is, little will likely change. We'll still keep buying cold war era weapons like the F-22.

    Trillions of dollars on all those cold war fighter jets and all we have to show for it is ****ing Top Gun. :D

    WORTH IT :D.

    But seriously terrorism is like crime, you can't get rid of crime by arresting all the criminals. You have to determine the root causes and alleviate those as much as possible.

    But it's a lot easier (and often better received) :confused: to just blow **** up, so we usually do that instead.


    newschool tattoo. New School Tattoos,
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  • brucem91
    May 3, 01:56 PM
    Both my friend Cass and I are playing SC II on Late 2009 MBP 15", and we cannot get voice chat to work. I am running 10.6.3, he is running 10.5.8 (it's still .8, isnt it?)

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  • evilgEEk
    Sep 1, 01:20 AM
    Anything asthetically new in this version, or perhaps some new small features?
    Probably just stability issues and whatnot. Although if there are any new things I'm sure we'll hear about it soon enough. :)

    I can't wait until Leopard!!


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  • polyesterlester
    Oct 27, 12:14 AM
    Are you saying you're happy it costs $99? You don't want to pay less, no? :rolleyes: The more complaining and bad feedback we give Apple that this service is simply too expensive the better, and the better chance we have they will begin to pay attention to loads (http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=.Mac%20too%20expensive&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8) of posts/blogs/and stories on this. I feel sick when I have to tell someone how much it costs. I mean they say .Mac syncing is included! You have to pay to sync computers that you payed money for, and worse still you have to give it to the company you bought the computers from?? Give me a break! GMail is free too. iWeb provides little bandwidth, and the whole this is wrapped-up with a tiny storage package. And I don't think the solution is for Apple to give us more storage. I would prefer a cheaper price to more storage any-day. If you want moe storage then you pay $99, otherwise this should cost no more than $49 per year. At the VERY MOST!!

    Well, now Apple's onto your little scheme and they'll NEVER charge less! :rolleyes:

    Seriously, though, I doubt Apple cares what people are saying on the MacRumors forum. I'd of course like them to up the storage too, and what I really want is a spam filter in the webmail. It's why I never check my .mac account anymore. Way too much spam.

    newschool tattoo. New School Tattoos,
  • New School Tattoos,

  • talmy
    Feb 28, 09:45 AM
    Single source hardware is an asset to server reliability, not a detriment. Compare linux uptimes to AIX, Solaris, or HPUX, and there's no contest. Having 1 company on the hook for everything helps make things run way more smoothly. The trend towards linux in the data center is a detriment that mirrors wall street, with short term costs overruling long term benefit.

    As they used to say, "nobody has ever been fired for buying IBM." I think its safer to buy from a company that has a name and decent reputation in the server business is safer than Apple who has a recent history of pulling out of the business and never offered the variety of hardware and services of any of the major players. Even ignoring the high end players, I'd say that, for instance, a Dell server with Red Hat Linux would be a safer investment than who knows what from Apple these days. Ignoring the small choices available for Apple servers today, what happens if they discontinue the Mac Pro altogether? What if Lion Server is "defeatured" to make it easier for home server setups?


    newschool tattoo. New School tattoos,
  • New School tattoos,

  • edwin.bossier
    Apr 13, 01:51 AM
    I thought it was revolutionary - the idea that you always start with a template and never with a blank document. I thought - wow, all these years and Microsoft didn't come up with this?

    But after trying to use it, it was non-intuitive and I gave up after about 10 minutes.

    Word does actually start with a template rather than a blank document. Its name is normal.dot and you can change it anyway you like (put some formatting, text, headers and footers on it ...) and save it. Its a template like any other Word template you can create or use.

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  • jmsait19
    Sep 25, 09:52 AM
    Events are no fun without live coverage. :(

    agreed... i wanna know now!


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  • mikelegacy
    Jan 4, 02:49 PM
    There is no option to preload maps like motionx has when you start out?

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  • bugout
    Nov 26, 03:26 PM
    Did the add say it was from apple then ?

    No but the site says it's glass front and back.


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  • Kai
    Sep 21, 04:25 PM
    its interesting that every intel mac so far, other than the mac mini, has needed a SMC update (if my memory serves me correctly).

    It's even more strange that all of them seemed to become louder after the update. How lucky for Apple that all the reviews mentioning the Intel-Macs' exceptional silentness had already been written by then, eh? ;-)

    No, there can't possibly be a scheme behind this, no, no... Apple would never do this!

    newschool tattoo. New School:
  • New School:

  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 8, 10:54 PM
    What does temporary mean exactly? I mean if Obama has said he isn't signing any more exceptions.

    I meant short-term.


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  • MattSepeta
    May 2, 02:40 PM
    Off the top of my head:

    -Lack of Education
    -Resentment (Much of It Deserved) towards Western Nations
    -Religious Fanaticism (which generally correlates with a lack of education)

    If you've ever seen Charlie Wilson's war you might recall one part at the end of the movie. Wilson was able to convince congress/senate etc. to allocate hundreds of millions of dollars to support the Afghan's fight against the Russians. But at the end of all this Wilson attempted acquire a mere million dollars to build schools and promote education in Afghanistan, he wasn't able to get this funding.

    I believe Wilson's famous quote went something like:

    "We did a great thing, but we fcked up the end game"

    We live in a world where unfortunately violence is sometimes necessary. But violence doesn't "solve" problems, it can sometimes forestall a greater disaster. Unless you fortify violence with something positive (like education) you're simply opening the door to more (and often greater) violence in the future.

    Ill agree with you on Lack of Education and Religious Extremism. Resentment, somewhat. I tend to think that if we just leave them the heck alone to do whatever they want and be as Shariah as they please we will see less terror attempts.

    I know it is not apples-to-apples, but I was wondering if anyone has seen the National Geographic on North Korea? One part that struck my nerve was at the end when the doctors were removing the bandages from the patients eyes, one of the North Koreans first thing to do was go praise a poster of Ill and promise to "Destroy the american scum with my new eyes" or something like that, despite the fact that much of the equipment used to complete the surgeries was American made and American funded IIRC.

    newschool tattoo. New school tatoo
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  • LeoNobilis
    Oct 6, 04:54 PM
    3.5", or even 4" - is too small for a smartphone of iPhone's capability! HTC has been very prudent launching the Desire HD (the best HTC device to date) and similar 4+" screen smartphones. Apple has to amend the iPhone design (e.g., both screen-to-device dimensions and overal screen size. Else, of course, the iPhone 4 is a beauty). A 4.5" to 5.5" screen would be most welcome. The current screen size will do for women, children and midgets, but not for the likes of myself.

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  • Deimo
    Nov 2, 03:30 PM
    The important pieces to note about the marketshare is that this definitely is coming from switchers, not from upgraders. If you look at the data, you will see that it's broken up between MacOS and MacIntel. The data for MacOS is just PPC people, and that actually remained constant throughout the year:

    while the marketshare for MacIntel has been a nice parabolic curve:

    for full information go here:http://marketshare.hitslink.com/report.aspx?qprid=2

    Aug 19, 09:49 AM
    There will be a way to turn it off(better be), it's not working yet either.

    May 3, 10:17 PM
    For the first time, pretty much ever, I am genuinely disappointed in my nation.

    You have no idea how much you're about to be disappointed.

    I challenge both points, pedantically and pragmatically. Canada is no more a "democracy" than the US, though perhaps slightly less messed up. If it was, you would not be able to brazenly put forth the second assertion. In a real democracy, there are no winners. Debate results in compromise. Compromise leaves everyone disappointed but (usually) sanguine, because those other guys are also comparably disappointed.

    The idea that we should have winners and losers is one of the biggest problems facing the US political system. The rollercoaster ride has been pushing the whole country apart from the inside. Failure is inevitable.

    Yep- because any government should exist to benefit all it's people, not just one group over another. Sad to see this sickness infesting Canada too.

    Sep 27, 09:56 AM
    Hopefully the next update will resolve some rather annoying bugs. The one that irritates me to no limit is the bug of moving directories off the desktop into other directories.

    As soon as I do, all my icons are thrown about on the desktop. Gawd its annoying.

    Jun 25, 05:59 AM
    I work for a large telecom company and was installing home internet service for a customer that had an iPhone. When I asked if he wanted me to set up his wifi for him he said sure. When I looked at it the top right hand corner said T-mobile. I looked at the phone and said to myself T-Mobile? Then just carried on. So now looking at this article makes me think that they are actually testing it on their network. I don't know what to think of it actually.

    Carrier logos on the iPhone are in the top left corner. As a forum newbie I will tell you folks around here are sticklers for having your facts straight. You didn't see anything special ... Just an unlocked iPhone on T-mobile just like the one I have had since 2007!

    It's called unlocking. He'll have an unlocked iPhone (by whatever means) and stuck a T-Mobile sim in it. Doubt he'll have any data plans for it, just a cheap contract (or PAYG) and use WiFi when needed.

    Nov 14, 11:50 AM
    OK, now that we'll have iPod integration on flights from major airlines... And there's talk of broadband access in-flight at some point in the near future. Hmmm... I can see it now. Steve's plan is to have the iPod integration in place so that the next time I'm on a 14 hour flight, I have nothing to do but play with my iPod and shop the iTunes store. ...World domination, one small step at a time.

    Buying a movie or music while in-flight would be very cool!

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