Monday, June 6, 2011

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  • 2 Replies
    Oct 6, 12:51 PM
    Why would Apple do what has failed all other manufactures during the time Apple's one model mantra have eaten sales from other manufactures?

    I'd stop to think about what you're saying before you speak. Maybe check the stats from anytime this year.
    The iPhone does not have a majority of the share in the smartphone market.

    As of Q1 RIM had a commanding lead over iPhone;
    Other more recent reports show'd RIM slipping, but still higher than iOS. This one also show Nokia as having an even greater lead than both.
    And the MOST recent data (as of yesterday) has Android beating iOS;

    "Fail"? HA, Hardly. :rolleyes:

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  • Liquorpuki
    Apr 8, 09:42 PM
    Sounds like a bunch of services your family doctor or gynecologist would be capable of performing.

    As for sex education, again, NOT THE JOB OF THE GOVERNMENT.

    I am sorry I don't agree with the government giving these services as free hand outs to people who don't have health insurance or can't foot the bill.

    Sorry I am not a fan of paying for other people's social services.

    Actually, I am not sorry.

    If that's your ideology, you're selling yourself short by focusing just on Planned Parenthood. Don't forget about medicaid, social security, public education, and disability. In the name of not wanting to pay for other peoples' social services, might as well kill those too

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  • rdowns
    Mar 11, 04:08 PM
    As an example, the Honda Accord and Toyota Camry are both 80% U.S./Canadian parts content. The Chevrolet Silverado pickup? ...61%. :eek:

    My Acura TL is built here from 75% American parts, 15% Japanese and no others listed.

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  • pubwvj
    Apr 7, 05:56 PM
    Never strive to be normal.

    Still, although I enjoy using my PowerBook and iPodTouch I would love to have an iPad. Nice bit of engineering.


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  • mikeapple
    Apr 5, 09:32 AM
    WOW... who could of possible saw this coming... iPad 2 given title for best tablet... SHOCKER:rolleyes:

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  • diamond3
    Jan 6, 07:22 PM
    How do you block farmville? It's annoying me the amount of posts I get a day from people who've found a sparkly pure egg or a wounded badger. I'd love to not have all that guff clogging up my iPhone screen.

    I am having similar issues with notification sounds in that I get none. Not too fussed but would be nice if it did exactly what it said on the tin.

    Try going to settings->application settings
    Once the page loads, go to the drop down box and select "allowed to post"
    Find farmville and click edit settings and you can change it there.

    Also, on the news page you can go and click the hide next to any farmville news, then you can select Hide Farmville. This will prevent it from showing up in the news feed.


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  • brucem91
    May 2, 04:05 PM
    I have been over to the website and I can't find where to download the beta. Can you send me a link to where it is?
    Do you have a beta key and a account? If so, under manage games, go to "Add Game", and paste in your beta key. Then under manage games, select SC 2 beta, and then it gives you an option to download the windows or mac client.

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  • Benjamins
    May 2, 01:50 PM
    lol only people who buy Apple products are OCD enough to notice things like this.


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  • Dracula77
    Apr 14, 02:14 PM
    Why is this considered NEWS? Let only a juicy RUMOR.

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  • derkunstler
    Apr 19, 01:18 PM
    I dont know, when I look at that white iphone. it has that unusual ridge around the edge like so many clones. The black iphone does not have a ridge around its edge. Why would the white one? i don't know, there is so much speculation around this new iphone 5 and the white iphone. Who knows what to believe! :)


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  • zephead
    Oct 10, 10:53 AM
    G5 laptop finally.
    :eek: G5 PowerBooks?! Haha, how long have we been waiting for those?

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  • trrosen
    Apr 17, 04:20 AM
    They need to post EVERY SINGLE REQUIREMENT in plain language and say explicitly which of the published policies the app did not meet and give an explanation as to why.
    They do and they did. But the fact is the line between ridicule and a humorous commentary is pretty fuzzy. Expecting a first tier employee to get it right 100% of the time while examining 100 other apps is silly. In fact sometimes the only difference is the reputation of the person making the statement. Fior does push the boundaries in his cartoons.

    Also, They should not be able to deny developers access to certain APIs in order to keep their own products more competitive. (pinch to expand for that photo app that got rejected, in-app brightness control, etc.)

    If Apple can't compete on their own programming and design merits, then they shouldn't be releasing applications in the store. Your a moron. (see now thats ridicule) Limiting access to APIs is part of Apple's design merit. If you allow people to implement thing outside of approved APIs theres no point in having them. APIs are not created as shortcuts for developers they exist to insure compatibility, reliability and consistency. Without then it would all be DOS. If you don't like the rules just write for a platform that doesn't have any...opps sorry there aren't any. The whole point of a platform and a SDK is to give a consistent set of features and limitations thats why every environment limits some API and the usage of others. Even Android has rules, although few outside Google know them as Google has far less transparency then Apple.

    PS you do realize that Apple's photo app is free and comes with the iPad right. That sort of makes they theory of them doing it to prevent competition silly doesn't it.


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  • SevenInchScrew
    Jun 17, 08:08 PM
    The older models aren't being produced anymore.
    Understood, but there is no "Pro" version of this new one, so I'm not sure where you were going with that.

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  • twoodcc
    Apr 20, 04:07 PM
    its running a 2.6 Ghz Dual Core with 2 GB of memory, Intel GMA X4500, and windows xp. it just runs F@H at the moment so i would like to use it to the best of its ability.

    is this a desktop or laptop?


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  • strabes
    Mar 23, 01:50 PM
    how bout let's make sure that airplay video playback works first before you try to license it out. has not work from day 1 on my appletv

    Works perfectly for me (using Air Video and the latest beta server) since 4.3 came out.

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  • twoodcc
    Apr 21, 09:23 PM
    lol i didnt think so, not with twoodcc talking about i7's and such
    been thinking about swallowing the mac pro pride, and going the hackintosh route, been reading the F@H FAQ about the gpu's an such, and i'd get a tonne more hackintosh for my money then i would mac pro, so i may go down that route, would prolly make upgrading things to stay current a lot easier then the mac pro too :D

    that's not a bad route to go at this point. but remember, for gpu folding you have to use windows, at least for now.

    any you really only get a tone of points if you overclock or run multiple gpus in windows


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  • Hattig
    Oct 10, 11:39 AM
    Is this an extra MacBook model in addition to the other MacBooks?

    If so, then maybe it is a MacBook with discrete graphics, but still 13.3". I.e., something between the MacBook and the MacBook Pro. It might be replacing the current Black MacBook which isn't a great deal for what you get.

    Otherwise it's a redesign to address all the current MacBook issues, and will be used across the range.

    Merom may come to the original MacBook sooner, but it's pretty much guaranteed that this MacBook will utilise it.

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  • BruiserB
    May 2, 04:03 PM
    Has anyone torn-down a recent black iP4? Maybe Apple just changed the camera part on both?

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  • InuNacho
    May 5, 04:18 PM
    Unless Microsoft is selling me Atari Jaguars they shouldn't tell me to "Do the Math".

    Apr 25, 10:54 PM
    I am looking for the full schedule for the developer conference. Specifically, I need to know when we will be done on Friday. This will help me book my tickets back to my town. Can someone help me with this? ( If there is another thread specifically about the developer conference, please point me to that as well. )

    Friday is usually the miscellaneous sessions day, when the less important (or popular I might say) sessions are held. Of course you can leave whenever you want but Friday is still a full day. I would plan on staying the entire day if you can. Leaving Saturday morning is best as you can relax on Friday :)

    Apr 19, 01:12 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-gb; Nexus One Build/ERE27) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17)

    don't like apple? then treat apple like an ex wife or girlfriend.

    get a divorce!

    then go find somebody else to vent your frustrations on.

    To like Apple, you don't have to 100% agree with everything they do.

    Mar 28, 09:36 AM
    Maybe I'm reading too much into it but it is sad the Mac OS is mentioned after iOS.:(

    Alphabetical order.

    Apr 1, 08:42 AM
    Greedy content distributors.

    Surely they want more money.

    I think I am going to have to agree with you on this one. I have a snarkly feeling they are going to want to re-negotiate their contract to include money's from this now!

    Mar 24, 09:09 AM
    LOL nice one there :P however the army might be able to overlook water damage in dry areas like Afghanistan

    Dust is an equally big problem. MBPs are just-about up to the task of day-to-day office use (we have 4-5 MBP at work) - logic board fail if they smell water near the keyboard. All HW ports are open. Al Cases prone to warpage...

    But for all we know it's a tour to look at UI concepts for 'soldier of the future' type applications.

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