Monday, June 6, 2011

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  • PlaceofDis
    Jan 14, 11:21 PM
    A few people have set up chat for MWSF in ichat. it is called: MWSF08. Simply go to file>Go to chatroom> MWSF08. All 7 of us in the room were wondering if MacRumors could lock this or announce it somehow.

    macrumors has its own IRC channel, fwiw.

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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 13, 09:48 AM
    Why on Earth didn't the Service Pack include an update to the buggy Messenger:Mac :confused: :confused: :eek:
    This is so long overdue!!

    Messenger updates are usually always separate. Also, keep in mind most businesses use OCS so Communicator would probably be the only program addressed with Service Packs.

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  • rpenzinger
    Apr 5, 09:57 AM
    and in september iPad 3 will move to #1 spot putting iPad 2 in second and original iPad in 3rd. And in 2012 iPad 4 will move to first...but i digress.

    First off, leave my post alone.
    Secondly you will see iPad 3 as early as September if competition is stiff. Only if iPad 2 retains major market share will Apple will delay release of iPad 3 until 2012, thus extending revenues from iPad 2.

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  • JustBobPro
    Nov 6, 08:14 AM
    We use RFID chips in ID card for public transportation here in the Netherlands. I can't say it's the most efficient system but I can see the potential of having one set up in a device you carry with you all the time like an iPhone.


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  • j_maddison
    Jan 5, 12:58 PM
    If you drive for work, there is a good chance you drive in the same areas, I can't see this app not caching maps.

    I'm national, I've driven all over the UK this year. My cell phone is on O2, and the 3G coverage is very poor. I've opted for Orange on the iPad as their 3G is much better.

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  • bella92108
    Apr 1, 01:07 PM
    Ala Carte Channels would cause some channels to go away, on the other hand it would allow other channels to thrive and flourish, because the channels people really wanted to watch would get the most revenue.

    I don't want to overpay for the 10 channels I want so 20 other channels I don't care about can continue to exist. Let the marketplace sort it out. It certainly would not actually make channels appeal to a wider demographic, it would probably be the opposite really, as small strong niches carry the day and carry their channels and the programming.

    Very intelligent post. +1


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  • Full of Win
    Mar 28, 03:13 PM
    SO your 17mm is not 17mm on a crop camera, it is the equivalent of a 27.2mm (28mm) EF-S lens. 17 x 1.6 = 27.2. On a 1D camera, that same 17mm is the equivalent of 22.1mm, where a 5D as a FULL FRAME camera is using the full image circle from the EF lens, so it is a true 17mm.

    No. Lens focal length is a function of the lens, not the body. I can take a lens with a focal length of 17mm from a full frame camera and put it on a crop camera, and the lens will keep the same focal length of 17 mm. Now, the amount of the imgae circle recorded on the crop camera vs. the full frame camera will be different. However, this has nothing to do with the focal length of the lens.


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  • WiiDSmoker
    Mar 25, 10:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8F190)

    When you release the kinds of game-chaining products that Apple does, I'm kind of inclined to look the other way. Why not. Apple's earned special treatment for the time being. That is, for the time being.

    Might doesn't make right. But being exceedingly awesome, does.

    I know it sounds unfair, but **** it. Apple's changed the entire conditions of the game.

    What if I came along and stole all of Apples patents and used them in a way that were above and beyond anything Apple created with them?

    You're thought process of this situation is completely horrible.


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  • iamartimus
    Apr 5, 01:08 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I have the Bose Sound Dock Portable. No radio on it, BUT THERE's AN APP FOR THAT!

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  • hampy
    Nov 11, 09:28 AM
    Wow, the Japanese Justin looks about a thousand years old. Would you wear that hoodie if you were past 30? I think the actor didn't show up and they had to get the director to be in it. I can't wait for the Gisele one.


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  • bushido
    Apr 26, 06:49 AM
    Why? You don't need high speed internet to put a USB stick in your computer, no need to wait for hours, just plug it in and be happy.

    hes obvs talking about non physical distribution (hint: broadband). using a usb stick is just as "dumb" as using a disc, its still physical media, whats the difference if u plug in a usb stick or use a disc which is cheaper to produce ...

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  • nick1817
    Mar 4, 01:07 PM
    This was addressed earlier, but I haven't found a solution yet.

    In "Live Feed", Farmville/Game stuff still shows up even if I've selected them not to via the full website

    So, if I got to status updates in the app, or the website they don't show up, but they do in the Live Feed.


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  • bearbo
    Oct 10, 09:17 AM
    They are both based on the Core architecture, that was my only point.
    I thought you were saying that they were completely unrelated.

    Of course they are branded differently, they have different uses.
    Historically Xeon is for high-end workstations and servers, people know and expect this.
    i definitely agree with you that they have very similar underlying technology, but i was just saying that Xeon and Core 2 Duo are two different brand names, Xeon is NOT part of Core 2 Duo

    heck, macbook pro and macbook has very similar technology, but hopefully nobody will say macbook pro is part of macbook or visa versa

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  • applemacdude
    Jan 6, 01:42 AM
    found one already from this site

    from digg


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  • Eraserhead
    Mar 26, 12:40 PM
    Why not just have high fuel taxes ala Europe?

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  • twoodcc
    Apr 22, 06:09 AM
    thats what i was thinking about the mac pro, load one up with 4 gfx cards, or a hackintosh running osx, windows on bootcamp using the extra gfx cores and the main F@H on the OSx side with the cpu,

    remember though, you can't use the gpu's in OS X, only in windows right now. so the only way to use both gpu and cpu at the same time is in windows, unless you are good in linux, i've heard people getting it to work


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  • yorkshire
    Dec 21, 06:28 PM
    Thanks, but I don't need to grow up. Perhaps you should try accepting other people's opinions without resorting to insults - a much more significant indicator of maturity (unless you're actually asking me to grow older faster?)

    There is absolutely zero logic to the rest of your post either. How has this helped the music industry exactly? As I have said all along, the UK chart is a glorified popularity contest. The most popular record, at the time, wins. People don't just buy the xfactor winners single because of the name - they buy it because they like it (and it's usually more than a few thousand btw). Whether you, or I, agree with that is irrelevant. It is fact. There has also been no significant reduction in music piracy as a result of this campaign.

    There has been no 'rebellion'. All the campaign has done is increased the amount of money Sony Music Entertainment have taken in this Christmas (both of the Artists are attributed to Sony). This goes back to my original point about the whole thing being meaningless (unless of course the aim was to simply make more money for Sony). There will still be the xfactor next year, and the winner will still sell a barrowload of records.

    I have been on the group on Facebook a few times, and many people have stated this is the 1st time they've downloaded a song legally. I know it isn't going to stop piracy, but it is definitely a step in the right direction. And you can't say there has been no reduction in piracy yet- its only been 1 day. If it gets just a handful of people to pay for songs rather than pirate them, then at least its done some good.

    And how is the whole thing meaningless? At the end of the day, the chap who made the group didn't know Rage and Joe were both with Sony. He didn't know that he'd be (slightly) benefitting Cowell by choosing Rage. There was an interview on the BBC where he spoke about this, and he didn't care. All he wanted was a different single at the number 1 spot this year, and all everyone else who joined the group wanted was a different single at number 1. Thankfully Rage won.

    And it doesn't matter if people don't like the song, I for one would have bought almost anything just to keep X Factoe from being number 1.

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  • IngerMan
    Apr 24, 10:44 PM
    If someone is going to specifically test disk read/write speeds then one needs to also look into and see if the SSD is the Toshiba or Samsung model. I for one have the Samsung model and scored higher on the disk test then his model.

    +1 for at least testing a MBA with 4 gigs of ram.

    I agree. I have 13 with 4gb ram. I have the slower TS128 and my Geekbench score goes from from 152 to 160. The 11" unit in test was in the 120's. I would think the 13" Ultimate would be above 160.:cool:

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  • MacRumorUser
    Mar 26, 02:20 AM
    ^^^ thanks for the review!

    Can you turn off the 3D and play the games in 2D?

    How does it play the DS games?

    Looking forward to seeing one over the weekend.

    Yep but the benefit of 3D is it masks alot of the games Jaggies, without it on you will notice how Jaggy everything truly looks.

    DS games run grand albeit with black borders on each side on top screen.

    big samm
    Jan 6, 05:27 PM
    and the logging chat is still bugging what mean by that is each time i exit the facebook application and open it back it logs me in the chat even know i logged off before exiting the application... anyone else have this problem?

    Apr 6, 08:55 AM
    I might just be missing something here but how does this imply that Apple is putting thunderbolt in here?

    I can see where they made the minidisplay port (which is the same form factor as thunderbolt) a dual channel now instead of just a one way channel but wouldn't it say thunderbolt instead of minidisplay port? or is a dual channel minidisplay port just a thunderbolt port? and if minidisplay is on the current 30-pin how is it currently used--do you need an adapter for USB to minidisplay?

    i guess i am kind of answering my own question here but does that mean in the future if apple were to say make its own TV one could use the 30-pin connector to plug right into the back of a TV (into a minidisplay port) and play movies/music like that without the need for an HDMI cable?

    thx for any help or clarification!

    My opinion is that Thunderbolt was not publicly announced when this was originally submitted so call it a dual channel display port so that it does not get leaked out before they announce it. It will probably be corrected/resubmitted as Thunderbolt when and if it comes to be.

    Oct 9, 03:42 PM
    It's funny how the capitalists are all for a free market...until it starts working against them.

    Ah, the U.S. are specialists at that...a.k.a. "you have to open, but I don't"...:rolleyes:

    Chip NoVaMac
    Feb 24, 01:01 AM
    Parents need to grow up and be just that....parents and not the kid's buddy, etc.

    We do not need Government to step in here, Apple provides several ways for parents to control this:

    Mar 1, 03:44 PM
    I should probably pre-order it. At least I can get Blue or Black at launch, instead of having to wait. :)

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